Yes, yes, Richard, I've read all the red pill dude stuff, women age like milk, men like wine, and all you say:
"For men on the other hand, as they move from 40 to 60, they will find that they become increasingly attractive to women."
But instead of listening to you about this, shouldn't I, as a woman, get to be the one to say when men are most attractive to women? No offence, but I don't think I've ever been sexually attracted to a man between ages 45-60. I'm attracted to younger men. I think the phenomenon you're noticing may be due to other factors.
But I agree it will probably be harder for me to date as I get older, I've been aware of that for the last 2 decades, and the day has finally come - hence this post!
So far I'm ok with it, but as I said, I do think I need to know how to reach out and socialize better - not romantically, but just to have good, fun friendships and associations. 20 years of men chasing me has made me lazy, socially. Imma work on it. I'll probably write about it as I progress.