Wow, you’re a grumpy one, eh?
I’m talking about how so many people started vanlife over the last year and a half. My favorite spots, where I used to be alone, are getting crowded. So I’m glad you don’t want to live in a van, and please keep spreading your anti-van gospel ;)
Also, I know very happy families who live in vans. The cool thing is that the parents don’t have to work too much (no rent/mortgage, a major cost for most families) so they get to spend more quality time with their children, and all of them spend more time outside (it’s nice that you can move to wherever the good weather is!)
And I’ve worked remotely since 2011. I need about 5 minutes to download my assignments at the beginning of the week, then I can go somewhere without internet access to work, then at the end of the week, I need about an hour to upload my assignments. I’m pretty lucky…but a lot of people just do seasonal work, camp hosting or whatever.
Anyway, hope you have a good day. And do try to think out of the box. Just because something isn’t for you/isn’t conventional, doesn’t mean other people can’t enjoy it!