Wow. I checked out that article you linked from Lishoné and honestly, I don't much care for it. That's saying something, because I'm one of the women who's decided that, even though I'm heterosexual, even though I want a child, I am not going to partner with a man. (so basically, I am pretty bitter against men because of some of the things I've been through). So you would think I'd be her target audience (except I'm white).
But really...where's her human understanding? Life is hard right now. Black men are facing systemic racism. The pandemic has made the wealthy wealthier but it's hurt most everyone else. Even when a person does have a good job, their labor goes toward making their boss rich and they get to take home very little of the money themselves. Most of the people who are doing well financially had a leg up from wealthy parents who gave them a solid upbringing and a good education. Not everyone had that. So how come she demands so much from men, and says they're not good enough if they haven't achieved it?
I find her rhetoric frustrating, and again, I'm a white woman who's bitter against men.