The Solution to Mass Shootings

You heard it here first.

Ija Mei
4 min readJul 29, 2023
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Just to be clear: this isn’t a comprehensive solution for the mental health crisis at the root of mass shootings — boy, if I had the solution for that, I’d think a lot more highly of myself than I do now — but rather, this is a targeted approach to deter future mass shootings.

Much like the “we do not negotiate with terrorists” policy, I think the US and the world as a whole should adopt a “we do not glorify mass shooters” policy — but it will go further than that.

First, no one will read their manifesto. A task force will be deployed to ruthlessly remove any shadow of the thing from the internet. People should have free speech. Mass shooters? Not so much.

Next, the community will build a monument. I’m picturing a long, winding hallway. Each turn of the hallway will be dedicated to one of the victims of the shooting. On display will be the most attractive photographs of the victims, along with their funniest quotes, each provided by friends and family. Friends and family will also supply appealing anecdotes about the person’s life, from childhood on, each illustrating the joy that person brought to the world. If the person was an artist or writer, their art will be displayed. If they were an athlete or musician, videos of their most heroic athletic feats or best-played music…



Ija Mei

Watch this space for stories about nomadic living and single motherhood by choice.