Realize how great it is to live in the US? Because people without an education make $4000? What if your $4000 means you're poor here? Also, what if you are educated and make less than $4000 (plenty of people here do, even with a masters or doctorate).
It's relative, isn't it? I've lived very well in one place on $800 a month - comfortable apartment, ample free time, never thinking about the price of food, always plenty of money in my bank account and my pocket. But in another place, $4000 a month and you're looking at every price in the grocery store, and you're one small mistake away from snowballing debt and bankruptcy.
In your country, $4000 makes you feel pretty good, but items are priced for people making much less than you, and when you compare yourself to others, you feel very successful. But if you lived here, your $4000 wouldn't go very far - you would feel comparatively poor.
In terms of feeling wealthy I would argue it doesn't matter how much you're making in dollar amount, but how much you're making relative to the people around you that matters.
The cultural attitude toward wealth is another factor. Here, wealth is synonymous with success, and even morality, which I think is stupid. I've known plenty of people who made their money by hurting the environment and others, yet these people get respect and accolades. But having money doesn't mean you're smart, good, or even that you create any value in the world. It just means you figured out how to make money.
I mean compare your IT to a farm worker in your country. Ya'll need farm workers - everyone's got to eat. But you're probably making far more than he is. I'm not saying your work isn't valuable. I'm just saying that guy is creating something of value and should make a living wage, have a healthy retirement, and hold his head up with dignity. But that's not how the economy works, is it?