Ija Mei
1 min readSep 4, 2022


Oh god Adeline - have I told you my new dog is the same (and men are, of course, the same).

This guy popped up out of no where on our walk this morning, and I immediately said, "Don't look at my dog, she's like a celebrity, no eye contact" so of course he makes kissy noises, and my dog is lunging and yelling at him, and he's reaching out his hand...I'm like, dude, could you please just keep walking???? What about a lunging, snapping dog says "hold out your hand" to you????

It is so hard having a reactive dog. She's whining at the door and repeatedly stabbing her "go outside" button with her paw as I type this. Every city walk is a fucking feat of strength and patience. The only time I have peace is when I take them so far from civilization that my mom ends up filing a missing person's report (yes, that happened last week).

Le sigh.



Ija Mei

Watch this space for stories about nomadic living and single motherhood by choice.