It's not "I don't care, they're men," it's, "my sphere of influence is very small, I can do very little to help them," mixed with, "what are we supposed to do, parcel out pussy like stimulus checks?"
I mean really, you can't make women want these men, any more than you can make men want unattractive women. So I suppose they'll have to do what unwanted women do: fend for themselves in a difficult world.
As far as finances and the guy I was with: I haven't prioritized money, at all, so I don't have any. Actually, even at the beginning of his career, he made more money than me, because I work between 2-5 hours a week (he was working 40). I make more per hour, obvs, but I only make what I need to pay for my (very minimalist) life. Splitting things down the middle was about the best I could do. Still - no man has supported me since I was 5 years old. Expecting a man to pay for everything simply isn't in my playbook.