Ija Mei
2 min readDec 28, 2021


I have a lot of work to do right now so naturally Im going to use your question to procrastinate.

Circa 2013 I was actually I fairly well-known poster on red pill forums. Well-known enough that sweet, young, confused boys pm'ing me for advice or asking me to wingman for them next time I was in their city, red pill bloggers were asking me to do guest blog posts, they invited me to secret redpillian meetings, and asked me to be on podcasts.

Of course I couldn't do any of those things because they thought I was a man, and I'm very much a woman ;)

Here's what I did, Omally my friend. It all started when I figured out that an ex boyfriend was into all that red pil shit. Then I started reading the forums. Eventually I got itchy fingers, just dying to chime in. So I pretended to be a man. You should have seen my username - HILARIOUS if you knew I was actually a woman.

Anyway, I would write out stories about stupid things men had done in my presence - I'd just write it out from the perspective of a fly on the wall, very little commentary on my part. Then, I'd use the "find and replace" function to change all the hes to shes and hers to his's and so on. Then I'd post that shit on a red pill forum, and all the commenters would jump in, "Oh my god, only a woman would do that!" "Holy shit, hypergamy at work!" "See, they're perpetual children!" "solipsism at its finest!" blah blah blah.

They didn't know they were actually commenting on something a man had done. I thought it was fucking hilarious, and was waiting to do a big reveal, "HA MOTHER FUCKERS! I'm a woman, and all my posts that you've been commenting on were actually about men!"

But then I lost interest and got on to other things, so, whatever.

I still have that log in, a super old username with a long post history in good standing, so I can get in there and wreak havoc if I feel like it.

Fun, eh?

Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I'm very well versed in red pill rhetoric. I could probably still play the part, though I'm a little rusty and perhaps some of the terminology has changed since I was active.

Also, I don't have as much of a problem with MGTOW dudes - I say, yeah, go your own way. I think that's fine. It's even fine if they're bitter against women - no skin off my teeth.

It's the red pillers who try to ensnare women that bother me, especially the ones who seek long-term relationships with women. It's really fucked up to try to trick someone into being your life partner when you embrace a philosophy that views her as less than human.

If you hate women, leave us the fuck alone.

(the problem is, they don't actually hate us. They just feel inferior. That must be very confusing for them.)



Ija Mei
Ija Mei

Written by Ija Mei

Watch this space for stories about nomadic living and single motherhood by choice.

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