I clapped, and now I'm commenting, but I'm not clapping because she got stalky (I think she, and I, and you can all agree that she should never do that again), I'm clapping because she's got the self-awareness to write about it with some degree of intelligence and clarity. This is why I have a Medium account. Not to read the self-help article bullshit fluff based on nothing that goofy twenty-somethings are writing at an alarming rate on this site - but for this - real adults who can say, "look how I fucked up" and leave it there for the rest of us to see that we're not aliens. It's a testament to how totally normal, reasonable, intelligent people can act when in love...or whatever it is when you act like that.
I mean, I once asked my mom to write to a guy because I wanted him back. Let me say that again. I asked my MOM to write to a guy because I wanted him back. That shit is crazy. Honestly it was hard to even write that sentence just now. Because I know it's batshit, any person knows that's batshit, but that's the kind of thing that seems reasonable when you feel like you're in a desparate situation. Everybody gets nutts when "in love." Only some people can admit to it as honestly as Adeline does here.
When I first set out to write, I wanted to burrow down to the "why" behind it so I kept asking myself, "why do I want to write?" and kept asking myself why why why until I got my real answer (probably got that from some bullshit self-help article). And at the bottom of all of it was "So other people will feel less alone." I still haven't realized this lofty purpose with my writing, but I think Adeline did here.