Dude, I fucking wish!
I have said since college that it's too bad I'm straight because I'd love to have a wife. I remember while I was first in my class, research assistant to 2 of my professors, running study groups for students who weren't doing well (my professor asked me to do it) I watched as the girlfriends of my male classmates delivered them dinner and being like, where the hell is my boyfriend on this one?!
Watching these women (who were also in school, by the way) think ahead and plan and make dinner and make sure their man was well-fed, and here I'd scored a full 20 points higher than him on the last test. And when I threw a dinner party for 20 kids in the surrounding houses, buying food from a restaurant because I was pretty low on free time and one of the doofus guys I invited said, "You know, Ija, it's nice that you do these dinners for everyone, but it would be way cooler if you cooked it from scratch."
Are you kidding me!?
Anyway, I don't think the problem originates with women. I tend to think it originates with men. It seems you feel the opposite. Either of us could be right. It would be hard to find the root of the problem.
But I'm in 100% agreement that we would all be better off if people could choose their role in a relationship based on desire and talent rather than prescribed gender roles.
I think a lot of women would like having that supportive, sexy man at home - but chances are he wouldn't be supportive. He'd have a huge freaking chip on his shoulder because his wife makes more money than he does and his male friends are teasing him for not wearing the pants in the family and turns out he's not that good at keeping house and taking care of the kids anyway...