Ahem. To clarify what I said about outrage, this is what I meant. She uses her skill to deepen the misunderstandings between the various factions in our society. Things could have changed - I haven't read this Medium writer for a long time, but when I did, it was constant "it's THEM, THEY'RE the bad ones!" But I've looked and as far as i can tell, her conception of "the other side" doesn't actually exist.
I have the misfortune of being born into a family on one side of the political divide, and being attracted to friends who are very much on the other, and though my family's politics drives me up the mother fucking wall, they, personally, aren't anything like the way these outraged people describe them...and my friends on the OTHER side of the political spectrum aren't at all how the commentators my famly listens to describes them.
In my estimation, using one's talents to deepen these divides for personal gain is about the most dispicable thing a person can do. Using those talents to deepen understanding is so much harder, and it would mean a smaller reader/viewership, but I respect those people so much more.
Actually what I've read of Brene Brown falls in that second category, and her readership is pretty wide, so who knows maybe one can gain by attempting to deepen understanding...