Ah. When I said it's easy to get, I was speaking from the perspective of a woman. It is easy for women to get sex, generally. I know it's popular to say men and women need sex about equally, but I see a mismatch in the immediacy and consistency of men's desire for sex and women's. I think you do too.
The truth is, I feel for you guys. You want something that only another person can give you. That's an awful feeling. So many societies have been set up to allow men to have a consistent supply of sex. I'm thinking about traditional gender roles, how many societies have put taboos on women working so women would have to be dependent on men. I think societies are set up this way, in part, because men are already naturally dependent on women - men need women for sex. So systems were set up to make women dependent on men.
But now in our society, women are no longer subjugated and can make their own living, which means women get to say no to sex, and men are hurting for sex. I do feel genuinely bad for men, but not bad enough to offer up my body when I don't feel the desire.
And what is consent, truly? There are gradations, and everyone has to decide which level they see as moral. But when you can't speak to the sex worker to see if she's there of her own free will? When she's not keeping most of the money? When she was forced or coerced into sex work? You've clearly got a consent problem.
This isn't as much of an issue with independent sex workers who speak your language.
When I saw your highlights I read some of your posts, including one you wrote about your experiences with sex workers. it's such a complicated subject. The best we can do is have empathy for everyone involved. Empathy for the men who are hurting for sex. Empathy for the women who are hurting for money.
But the men I wrote about in this post? They were lying, cheating on their girlfriends, paying for sex from girls who may have been trafficked. And yes, they didn't see, or purposely ignored, the ethical problems with their behavior.
I think it's fair to question their behavior.
To say nothing of the emotional consequences, they could have brought home diseases to their wives/girlfriends - this is actually has been a problem in some wealthier Asian nations - man pays for mail order bride, brings her to his country, continues sleeping with prostitutes, brings home an STD, wife gets it, and because she's still a foreign national, she gets booted from the country because some countries kick foreigners with STDs out of their countries.